Saturday, May 1, 2010

May 1, 2010 - Saturday

Uneventful day except for a visitor bringing gifts and my own personal trip to the washer and dryer in the Occupational Therapy area. Otherwise my schedule included 30 minutes of PT and three meals. I skipped lunch in the cafeteria as my friend Carrie brought me a sandwich from Panera and burnt almond torte from Prantl's bakery. For any of you who have not yet had this Pittsburgh delicacy, when you visit, you must have a piece of Prantl's burnt almond torte.

Carrie also brought chocoloate (and more chocolate - and I have stopped worrying about running out before I leave) and a grand collection of books and magazines. Thank you Carrie, and thank you my dear SFW friends who contributed to this huge gift bag.

Carrie and I played two games of bananagrams. I am grateful for her company and for the intellectual stimulation. We even talked a bit about politics.

At this point, I have watched the Kentucky Derby and am ready to put my foot up in bed surrounded by all this new reading and viewing material. I am in the middle of a truly trash novel - and I may get back to that tonight after doing some other viewing.

Tomorrow is my big day out. Feels like a kid released from girl scout camp for a days outing. Off to lunch and to see "The Littlest Dragon". And Tuesday I am heading home for a bit.

Some of you may remember how concerned I was about going home with only one leg, of seeing folks with only my one leg, of whether I would be very dependent with one leg. At this point I am very independent in the wheel chair. I can manage in a walker. And I am no longer concerned about how folks will react to me with just one leg. It is what it is. And that must be my haiku for today:

It is what it is
I go home with just one leg
I will be real fine

Then let's try this:

Shrinker, shrinker, huh?
What is a shrinker really?
Will I get my own?

A shrinker is something you wear on the residual limb (and I am trying to pick a name for my residual limb. I don't like the workd "stump". Residual limb is too long to say most of the time. RL are the initials of one of my grandsons, and I don't think he would appreciate my calling the limb by his initials. Maybe the limb's name is Daisy. Daisy was my grandma's dog and the first dog I really loved. Or maybe I need to pick the tree I am going to have tattooed on the limb and name the limb after the tree). Whoops, back to shrinker, I think it is worn on limb for rest of life. Continues to keep swelling down. Need to get more swelling down prior to fitting for prosthesis. Will likely get shrinker if wound is amply healed. Will know more about this on Tuesday after visit to surgeon on way home.

Tomorrow you are likely to get a movie review on "The Littlest Dragon".

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